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Sheet Metal Fabrication

We realize that increasing quality control, shortening project schedules and reducing safety risk by minimizing required labor hours in the field is a top priority. By fabricating duct in our state-of-the-art, 50,000 sq ft manufacturing facility, we are able to accomplish all of this and more.

In-House, State-of-the-Art Sheet Metal Fabrication

At Comfort Systems USA Southwest, we prefabricate our sheet metal duct system at our in-house manufacturing facility. This allows us to send out our components, ready to install, in the largest sections we can safely handle and ship—giving us superior quality control and safety for the successful completion of your project.

Let’s Create a Healthier, More Sustainable Future.

Comfort Systems USA Servicing Arizona Icon

(602) 437-4428 (Service)
(480) 940-8400 (Construction)

Comfort Systems USA Servicing Arizona Icon

(520) 628-8640 (Service)
(520) 629-0820 (Construction)